
Tues: 10AM-4PM
Weds: 10AM-4PM
Fri: 10AM-5PM
Sat: 10AM-5PM
Sun: 12PM -4PM

The Ginkgo Tree has been a Madison staple since 1994. Rachel fills the store with "vignettes" containing treasures for everyone along a theme like bicycles, bees, or pets. It's a priority for her that everyone can find something in their budget which is why she has cards from 99 cents to $10.
Whether you're looking for a special piece of seasonal decor or shopping for the perfect gift for a loved one, be sure to stop by this adorable shop next to Festival Foods in Verona.

The treasures you can find at the Gingko Tree include bags, readers, jewelry, cards, tea, seasonal decor, toiletries, kitchen items, baby gifts, small games, wall art, puzzles, political satire, candles, books. signs, walking sticks and more!